Eva Library Reading

SKD is sponsoring a library reading at the Eva Public Library on November 5, at 10:30. The book chosen is, If You Give a Mouse A Cookie. Student volunteers will read the storybook, and make pom-pom mice crafts with the kids. Snacks will also be provided at this event. The library reading events sponsored by SKD are one of the best ways to promote literacy. If you are available to volunteer, please take part in this fun event! Eva, Alabama is a lovely small town in North Alabama. With the library located close to the school, we are hoping for a large group of kids. A cookie and milk snack will go along with the book. Small goodie bags are also being planned to hand out to the children. Eva is known as the small town with the big heart, and the library is the heart of this town. Betty Golden, the librarian has been dedicated to the kids in this area for many years. The library has lots of events for kids including: A Summer reading program, visiting authors, and other activities specifically for children. SKD looks forward to partnering with the library to make this reading a fun event for everyone. If you are available, come spend some time with the kids and make this event a success. A flyer is attached with all the information on this reading, or you can contact your campus SKD sponsor on how to volunteer. Carpooling will also be available from Jefferson State. Also, bonus bucks are available to members who participate. This is one of the most rewarding events planned by SKD and will be lots of fun. We hope to see you there!