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How to Cope with Stress?

It’s Friday afternoon, it has been a long week, and you’re finally in your last class before the weekend is officially yours. The time ticks, and the teacher continues to ramble about the same subject that has been a topic of discussion for the last twenty minutes. You are eager for the bell to ring, or the teacher to simply say “class is dismissed, enjoy your weekend.” As the time approaches for the common dismissal, the class makes musical sounds with their book bags opening, binders closing, and pencils tapping on the desk, which becomes an indicator to the teacher that “hey, we’re ready to go.” You are overwhelmed by the week with an overload of assignments to complete, plus outside responsibilities that never seem to disappear. Just as you thought your load would not increase, your teacher assigns the class to write a one-page paper, read chapters three to ten, and complete a chapter assignment all due within the next week. You slump over in your chair and become filled with sadness and disbelief. You are ultimately stressed and want to give up on life and school. The question now arises, how do you balance school with life?

Stress, defined by the Merriam Webster Dictionary, is “an emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension.” In an article titled “Managing Stress”, The University of Michigan states that “our bodies react to stress by releasing hormones that help us cope with stressful situations. That, in turn, takes energy away from the other functions of our brain, like concentrating, or taking action.” Stressful situations weigh us down, but finding ways to manage stressful conditions can help you get through the day, week, month, and the year. To help lower your stress level, here are three useful tips that will decrease the anxiety. The first step is to exercise. Exercising is beneficial not only to the body but also to the mind. By getting your heart racing, you release tension and concerns that are deterring your focus from what is really important. The next step is acknowledging time management. Time management is a convenient tip because, as students, we tend to get the most stressed out when the due date approaches and our time to complete an assignment is running out. Writing down your schedule, keeping a planner, and dividing your work into an important and non-important pile will help you reach your goals quicker. The last step for managing stress is to talk to someone. School can be overwhelming and setting time aside to release it by communicating what is wrong will lessen your worries. Overall prioritize, do not over commit, and delegate your responsibilities. Do this, and all your life stressors will vanish.


Stress Definition:

“Managing Stress”:

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